Friday, November 30, 2018

November updates

Hello room 11 families,

Can you believe we are already gearing up for the month of December?  It seems like we were just celebrating Halloween in our classroom and now November is gone!  I hope everyone had the chance to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with your family and loved ones.

Quick recap on our learning:

Math- we finished up our chapter on making, comparing, and sequencing groups up to 10.  We have started our addition chapter and will be working on this until the Christmas break.  Children are working in daily math centers and using the classroom chromebooks and iPads to further develop their understanding and learning of new concepts.

Phonics- we have introduced 24/26 of the lowercase letters/their sounds and have practiced how to properly write these letters.  This week, we will introduce the final 2 letters, z and q.  We are using our knowledge of these letter sounds to spell, read and write CVC words.

Language Arts- we have completed our salmon study and are now learning about owls.  We will discuss owls’ habitats, their body structures and what it means to be nocturnal.  In addition, students will get to explore owl pellets to discover what owls eat.

Writing- this quarter we are focusing on informal writing.  Each student will be assigned an animal to become an “expert” on, and will be completing a writing book on that animal after studying them, reading books, and watching videos.  More to come on that soon!

Congratulations to our November PRIDE stars- Jayden and Griffin!  Great job showing how to be respectful, responsible and safe!

Happy November birthdays to Carter on the 18th and Jayden on the 28th!

Have a great week everyone!


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