Tuesday, October 30, 2018

End of October

Hello everyone!

Sorry for the lack of posts these past 2 weeks - life got busy!  Here's a quick recap of what we have been learning in Room 11 since the last update:

K Focus Centers: We have completed our first unit of community and have started Unit 2: Animals and Habitats.  We have started learning about tadpoles and frogs, and we are starting to learn about fish as well.  In the next few weeks, we will specifically focus on salmon and their life cycle.  Our dramatic play area has been transformed into a woodlands area where students are acting out life cycles of animals and their habitats.  At the block center, the challenge has been to recreate a tadpole or a frog with different blocks.  In the discovery center, the sand table has transformed into a water table.  We also have been sketching the outline of our bodies on butcher paper and labeling parts of the body.  We are using our scientific thinking to identify different features of children in the class and how some are the same and some are different.

In math, we have practiced identifying, counting and writing all of our numbers 0-9.  We have also discussed the concepts of greater than, less than and equal to.

For writing, students have been starting to sound out words to label and write sentences to match their drawings.  We have done personal recounts and are now moving into procedural and informational writing.

In phonics centers, we are continuing our letter names and sounds, starting to sound out simple words, clapping out syllables in words, and reading common sight words.

Shout out to our October Pride Star winners - Amy and Austin.  Great job showing how to be Responsible, Respectful and Safe in school! :)

Thank you to all who have donated socks for our Socktober drive - as of this morning, our class has brought in 250 pairs of socks to help those in need!

Reminder - tomorrow is Halloween and our family engagement activity.  9:45-10:45 families are invited in to our classroom for some pumpkin painting with their kindergartener.  All supplies will be provided for you. :)  Costumes are allowed at school tomorrow, but please no weapons or masks allowed.  Thank you.

Enjoy the rest of your week!


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